Raspberry Pi 4 camera setup step by step

Raspberry Pi 4 camera setup is somehow a tedious job. By following these simple step one can setup Raspberry Pi 4 camera

1. Insert the strip connecting the camera as show in the image.

2. Then Update the firmware of Raspberry Pi 4 using following code 

$ sudo rpi update 

3. Enable the Raspberry Pi 4 camera setup using following script

$ sudo raspi-config

4. Check status of Raspi Camera in the Pi using following code.

$vcgencmd get_camera

5. Take a still image using Raspberry Pi camera using following code.

$ raspistill -o image.jpg

6. Record a video using Raspberry Pi Camera.

$raspivid -o video.h264 -t 10000

convert it to Mp4 using following code after installing "gpac"

sudo apt install -y gpac

MP4Box -add video.h264 video.mp4