Redirecting domain to Blogger from other Domain registrar

Blogger is a great blogging application of Google and one can use it to express themselves through blogging. Now a days we can use Google Domains to represent a blog using a domain. It is far more easy to represent a blog using Google Domain than other Domain Registrar. However, it is not impossible to redirect Domain from other Domain Registrar. Google has implemented decent mechanism to represent your blog through domains from other Domain registrar company.

Below I will show some steps to redirect your domain bought from other Domain Registrar company.

1.At first go to settings of your Blogger account and then search for custom domain. In custom domain section insert your domain that you bought from that domain registrar. After inserting the same Blogger will display some error message, which you need copy for further reference. In the error message it will display CNAMEs to insert in your DNS settings.

2. Log in into your account of your domain registrar. In this case we are considering Godaddy. At first click on the account name in the top right corner, then click on "My Product".

3. In all product and services section all your registered domains will be displayed. Click on the "DNS" button against the domain that you want to use against your blogger account.

4. In DNS management section insert the CNAMEs displayed by Blogger.

Immediately after inserting the CNAME data in its designated places your Blog will be available through the domain registered by you.

For any other queries do let me know, I will surely help.